Thursday, January 21, 2010

Healthcare Reform

I heard something on the radio yesterday that really bothered me about our government. Granted, there are many things that bother me about our government, but this is just the epitome of many of those things.

A Republican was elected into one of the Senate seats for Massachusetts. Immediately following the election results, the Democrats went into a huddle to see how this would affect their big plans. None of that is surprising. The Democrats no longer hold a 2/3 majority. (I know there's a term for that, but I can't think of it right now.)

Anyway, the following day the President and the Majority Leader come out moderating their stance on healthcare reform. NOW they are willing to work with the "other side of the aisle" to rally around the points of reform that they can both agree on?

Now? Two days ago they were willing to stuff whatever they wanted down the throats of the American people regardless of what THEY might want... just because they could. But now that that is no longer likely, NOW they are willing to work together on something that everyone can AGREE on? That just boggles my mind. It shouldn't, but it does.

Is this how it went down with the TARP funds? I heard someone (on that same radio station) mention a while back that during that time, the Senate offices were so flooded with e-mail that they actually cut the bandwidth (not sure if that is the correct term), so only minimal number of e-mail could get through. How's that for representation?

I WANT to represent the people I serve, but I want MORE to do this thing... so I'll just turn off the answering machine? Really?

Do you FEEL represented?


Rebecca said...

Girl, you are opening up a whole can of worms lol. I personally don't have a good solution to the problem, but I'm been complaining about our "representation" since I was 13 (yes, I'll admit, 27 years).

Our representatives (ok, and electoral voting too) was put in place at a time when it took weeks or months for people to get between places in our country, if it was even possible to do so. Communication was slow when possible. So, we created representatives to run our government in our names. I suppose it work decently for awhile... until they realized they could make a whole lot more money by selling their votes.

In the meantime, the world is smaller than ever... and we are more helpless to their whims than ever. The time for change has been here for a very long time... sadly, nobody is willing to make it happen.

Reina said...

Good point (about the distance and needing representation). I hadn't thought of that.

I agree about a time for change. However, I don't think it's a matter of willingness but rather a laziness or apathy on the part of the citizens to take part in the system of government.

I doubt there is another governed body of people that are so ill-informed about how their country is run or how their government operates. That is the sad part.