Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

A friend asked me on New Year's Day what my resolutions were for this year. I rarely set New Year's resolutions. What is so special about this one day of the year, and why should I wait for it to set my goals or resolutions?

Interestingly, though, I had set some goals in December that work just as well. So when she asked me what those were, I figured they could be my "New Year's" resolutions.

This morning, another friend asked me what my resolutions were for this year. I knew I had just spelled them out over the weekend, but I couldn't remember what they were! So I had the brilliant idea of writing them here. That way, whenever I needed to check on my progress, I'd know exactly where to find my list.

Isn't that what an electronic journal is for? ;-)

So, as discussed on New Year's Day, here is my list of resolutions, and hopeful finish dates:

Finish Chapter 3 of my thesis by January 31. Finish the final section by March 15th.
Cut costs and build a savings buffer of at least one month's income. This is because I took the recommendation of a friend and bought a budgeting software that advocates this, and I agree that it is an excellent idea! This I would like to have accomplished by July 1st.
Finish the decorating of my bedroom by June 26th. (This might be difficult alongside the cutting costs part, but the bulk of the purchasing has been done, and now I just need to do the work.)
Come up with a plan on building my next business by the end of the year. I would like this to be either opening a preschool/childcare center OR real estate investing in rental properties.

I think those are ambitious, but doable. Hopefully having them written for all to see will keep me moving towards accomplishing them!

1 comment:

Michael said...

"...the bulk of the purchasing has been done, and now I just need to do the work." I've heard that before!