Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Beginnings...

My husband asked me this morning if I was looking forward to a great day today. I looked at him like he was insane or on drugs! Since when was he so chipper at 6:30 in the morning??

He said I should start my day in a positive mood, and I realized that that used to be a given for me, but now it seems absurd. When did I get so cynical and depressed? My life is wonderful. I have so much to be thankful for. I don't think I have ever been in such a good place.

I wonder if being happy is a choice. Can I just decide to look on the bright side, and then feel the effects throughout my day?

If so, here's my bright side. I am within a couple days of completing my thesis! This huge monumental objective of getting my Master's is within sight. I will be graduating in two months. Woohoo!! It's hard to believe I'm SO CLOSE to being done!

My husband and I found a mutually pleasing solution to my co-signing mistake. We still need to sell the cars, but we are on our way to putting that behind us.

My son decided NOT to move out of the house. My husband had a discussion with him, and he understands that chores are just a part of living in a household, and everyone needs to do their part to contribute to the well-being of the family. Phew. He may be only seven, but he's pretty resourceful. He may have figured out a way to make it on his own...

Oh! And I started on the actual cutting and sewing of my bedroom bed cover and window coverings. I think, when it is done, it will be beautiful!

Here's to a bigger, brighter tomorrow.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Michael's great mood MAY have had to do with getting his massage the night before:)
I did not know Avery was ready to spread his wings. I am glad he realized that! If he was on his own his current chores would seem like vacation!
I truly believe happiness is a choice. I remember the first time I heard that theory. I was in a very different place in my life where I felt helpless and without control and I thought, what a crock. Much has changed and through my own choices and changing attitude, and realization that I cannot control EVERYTHING that happens to me, nor should I try to, but I can control my reaction and how I am affected. It was a very empowering realization.
I think your car choice was perfect. Turn a burden into an asset, something you really enjoy. And I love your bedroom decor beginnings...
Just remember you can't cover up sadness with busyness. You have to have good soil to grow flowers :) Keep on with your quest to deal with your past and current issues and you will find you can bloom. I love you!!!