Monday, April 6, 2009


I heard a country song some time ago, performed by Emerson Drive, called Moments. The song talks about everyday people, at low points in their lives, who remembered moments in their lives when they were more than they thought they could ever be. Moments when they did heroic things, that may not have seemed heroic to anyone else, but for them, was something seemingly out of reach.

"Moments, days in the sun
Moments, when I was second to none
Moments, when I knew I did what I thought I couldn't do..."

I believe that everyone has had moments when they have accomplished something that would never have seemed possible. Or did something that, although may seem inconsequential to me, was monumental for you. Even when we seem quite ordinary, or we don't think our lives are interesting, each of us has done something in our lives that was memorable.

I stood up to my mother once. It took an amazing act of will to hold my ground, but I did it. It will forever be a moment I remember. It may well have been a pivotal moment in my life that shaped my future.

My aspiration was to be more than anyone thought was possible. I haven't accomplished any great thing, and for most people, I might not seem like much, but I have come a long way.

I graduated from college and am halfway through a master's degree. Many people have done this and more. But considering that I rarely attended the same school for longer than one school year at best, more often splitting a school year between two schools, and once even three, this is an accomplishment I think beats the odds. It took 11 years of perseverance to complete my bachelor's, working full time and going to school at night. Walking down the aisle, in a mass of caps and gowns, to receive my diploma was a moment to remember.

My wedding day was another. My new husband and I worked hard and sacrificed much to pay for this day on our own. Although we were on a budget, we had a gorgeous celebration. Everything was beautiful, and there was nothing money could buy that could have made it any better. Such a thing would not have seemed possible to me. But we did it.

I am proud of my son. Of course, this is a joint effort with my husband, but I am proud of the person my son is becoming. I never pictured my life with a child. Growing up in a hispanic culture, this was an unheard-of concept. Although he wasn't in my life plan, he is someone I am very proud of.

None of this may seem heroic to you. These may not even be goals toward which you strive. These are definitely not the culmination of what I hope to accomplish. But I've had my moments.


Michael said...

You are a hero in my life. Since we met and until we die.

Christy said...

I didn't get choked up until I read Michael's comment..I love you guys!
And just to break up all this seriosity, the word verification i have to type to enter this comment is "ructrag."
That is awesome.