Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Weight Loss, Exercise

I started working out a little while ago in an attempt to get that hard body I think might be hiding under my thick skin. I'm not fat, but I'm getting older, and my skin is starting to sag in places it really shouldn't.

There's also the fact that I've always had a problem with a muffin top, and it would be nice to see if I might ever achieve a flat belly. This might just be wishful thinking.

I have a friend who graciously agreed to "practice" on me while he works his way through his personal trainer certification process. Nothing beats a free personal trainer. Nothing. Really.

Plus, he likes me, so he's nice.

After experiencing soreness in muscles I didn't know existed, and some that I didn't think could ever BE sore, I can tell I'm getting stronger. My problem is that exercising makes me hungry. Actually, hungry is an understatement. I feel like I'm absolutely starving every minute of the day! And I've never been good at deny myself something I NEED, and I need to eat!

So, exercising tends to make me fat! What the heck? I tell people this, and they look at me like I'm smoking something. Really, I do gain weight. It's not hard to believe when I'm eating twice as much as I'm used to eating, and only burning off a quarter of what I'm packing away.

Knowing this, I've really tried to eat less this time around. I'm only partially succeeding. I am a little chunkier than when I started, but so far it isn't completely out of hand. In fact, I'm semi-successfully trying to eat less than I was before I started working out, so I might have a better chance at that hard body.

We'll see how it goes! I'll let you know in a couple of months if I'm achieving success, or if I've just given up completely on the exercise!

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