Friday, May 1, 2009

The Carsino Show

Ok. I admit I've been avoiding this blog. It's not because I don't have anything to say, either. I've been a little overwhelmed lately, and instead of feeling the release of writing out my issues, I've turned it into one more thing I should be doing. So, I've been avoiding. Typical.

But last night my husband and I went to see a show. It was something I had to do for school. I only have three weeks of school left, and had to get one more theater viewing in before the end. So, considering that I've left it to the last minute, I looked through what was playing, and there wasn't much to choose from!

Interestingly, the tiny theater on Sutter Street in Folsom was featuring a Thursday night performance of The Carsino Show! Ok. I'd never heard of it, but it fit my timing perfectly. From the website it looked to be a two-man comedy show. I was a little off on THAT point.

The cast of 12 had a whole musical set up around the set of the Carsino Show. This was supposed to be the mafia's knockoff version of the Johnny Carson show. It was funny.... most of the time.

The funniest part was that we were the only audience. Granted, the theater is tiny. I think it seats 50. Tops.

But still, being the only audience is a lot of pressure! I mean, what if we didn't find their jokes funny?

The guy that played Carsino's sidekick was funny, though. I could tell he was somewhat ad-libbing in response to our reactions, and his timing and delivery were awesome. And you know me (or most of you do, anyway), I can be loud. And I laugh a lot. Loudly. Usually at the most inappropriate times.

Needless to say, I was an active audience member. And the show was funny. So it wasn't hard to laugh at all the right places. Plus, I got a little into being "cast" as the audience... My husband said I had a larger audience than they did!

At the end of the show, the cast all came down to talk to us, and every one of them commented on what a great audience I was. One guy even commented on how they could hear me backstage and were laughing at my laughing at even the smallest thing! Oh well. I told him I get that a lot!

It was fun and funny. I'm still chuckling about it! And the best thing of all... they invited us to come back to their other show for free! Woohoo! They said: "When you call, tell us you were the woman who laughed at the Carsino show and we'll comp your ticket!" Ha!

1 comment:

Christy said...

I hear ya~! The more I have going on in my life, the less I write, even though that's when it would benefit me the most!
Sounds like a funny/unusual evening. And your are famous for it...if I was a comedic actor I would have adored having you there too :)