Monday, May 4, 2009

Stomach Flu

It's Monday morning, and I finally feel better. Last week I had a nasty stomach flu sweeping through my house. Every one of my kids who were here last week from Tuesday to Friday has now had it. Thankfully, it is quick to hit, and quick to move on.

My assistant was in the second wave of victims. One night of profuse vomiting, and by the end of the following day, she felt fine. I, however, can't seem to vomit, so any kind of stomach bug just seems to linger on and on. Finally, after 3 days I seem to be feeling ok.

It has been a good time to be sick, however, since it's been raining for days. In May!! If I wanted rain in the summer I would live in Seattle! I know drought is bad, but still. Rain in May!

My thesis proposal is due this evening for peer review. I've been plugging away trying to write somewhat intelligently, but not really impressing myself. I guess I'll see how easily impressed my peers might be! I'm afraid my proposal is so far way under par for graduate level writing.

And now it's the beginning of the month, which means a ton of month-end paperwork to fill out. Ugh.

I didn't intend this blog to be an online journal, but rather a voicing of my opinion on various matters. However, since I haven't had an opinion, apparently, in quite a while, I figured I'd just fill you in on what's been going on with me!


David Hosier said...

Incorrect...surprisingly (and thankfully), Matthew has not come down with any flu/vomiting.

Reina said...

I'm glad!
I thought that there might have been one other kid who had escaped who was only here one day this week, but turns out, she got her turn over the weekend. I'm glad Matthew slipped under the radar!