Monday, August 3, 2009

Political Reform

I know that political reform has been bandied about for a very long time. I also know the impossibility of true reform in politics. However, I'm sick of the political system as it stands right now.

How do average citizens like me change the monstrous and well-funded scam that our government has become? The thing that pisses me off is that the scam is funded by us, without our consent. If we have to finance the large, cumbersome, ineffective "management" system we call government, we should have a right to change it. I mean, in a corporation you may work for terrible management, but generally they are paying you to be there, not the other way around.

I can't believe there are enough people happy with the way things are to not have an effective move to change it.

I would expect my "representatives" to be intelligent, clear and concise, law-abiding, and at least somewhat interested in representing the people that elected them. Is it too much to ask that they not LIE to us? That they not be criminals, and are subject to the same laws that we are? That they hold the best interest of their country or state above their own self-interest?

How did we, as citizens, let it get this bad? How is it that those of us who do put the effort in to ask questions of our "representatives" have been satisfied with vague form letter responses that blow us off?

What I want is to be able to have a choice on who I elect to office. We need more than two worthless people to choose from. We have more than two parties in this country, there are usually more than two people on the ballot for any office, but the monopoly of the two large parties have left these options largely anonymous. Not only that, the "committees" choosing the two worthless people are not looking for someone who can benefit the country, but rather will further the committee's power.
At this point, I'd be happy if no one in office agreed with my point of view, if they could only formulate a clear, concise sentence that expressed their own views. Instead, in the interest of pleasing everyone and keeping their jobs, we get vague double-speak that says nothing.

So what can we do about it? How do average citizens who work, have families, and spend their extra time doing the things we enjoy, start a movement that is large enough, and effective enough to make a change?

Any large-scale change that has happened in this country has required a charismatic leader that spent all of his or her time out speaking to people. They effectively spent their lives to effect change, and even though some didn't see the change in their lifetimes, they were successful.

We now have the benefit of the internet. We have television. We can reach a lot of people with little expense. But people have been expressing discontent online for a while, and it has not galvanized people into doing anything effective. What more can be done? In the words of Lee Iacocca: Where have all the leaders gone?


Rebecca said...

Well stated, and I couldn't agree more!!! I've been complaining for as long as I could vote that our government is not only run by criminals lining their own pockets, but was also originally created to work the way it does (through representatives and using the electoral vote system) to get around issues with communication and distance. These issues no longer exist, and the system needs some serious reworking. This country is failing fast, and only a major rework has a shot at saving it.

momof4boys said...

Hi Reina,
Sorry I haven't written in so long. Thanks for the compliment on my latest quilt and No, the slime is not exactly carpet and couch friendly and last of all for Speghetti Sauce, I didn't follow any recipe but I blanched and skinned the tomatoes, blended them, added some red peppers, origano, olive oil, salt, lemon juice, onion pwd, and garlic cloves. I also added some spinich.
It would have been better and safer to pressure can it but I don't have one so I just gave it a regular hot water bath. I'm hoping the lemon juice I added will make it acidic enough to not cause any problems like botulism but you might want to be safe by following the canning recommendations on the internet and maybe even some recipies there. I've got 27 quarts from about 50 pounds of tomatoes.
Well, I got to run. Kids are scrambling for supper.
still enjoying your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Reina,
Your beef is well taken, but that isn't all there is to it. (I'm not about to add much to it, however.) I'm a firm believer that the people get the government they deserve. Good government, bad government I live by Romans 8:28. Tata. Frank