Friday, July 24, 2009


I've been in a slump lately. I've always struggled with cyclical depression, and I guess its my time. I've been blah. I don't have the luxury of staying in bed all day, but I do the next best thing. I'm doing only as much as I need to do to get by. Nothing more, nothing less. Everything is just a few days behind schedule, a little sloppier than it should be.

Hence the lack of posts. For the last couple of months I haven't had it in me to write unless I absolutely feel compelled to. Even then, I've let half of those slip away.

I've been down the anti-depressant route. I've tried a few, settling on the one with the least side affects. I took that for a little over a year before letting it go. It didn't have bad side affects, but it didn't seem to be making much of a difference either. I don't think anyone really noticed when I stopped taking them, so I guess they weren't as effective as they should have been.

I don't know why I get into these slumps. I keep telling myself I don't have time for them. I have so much on my plate, and adding more every day. I work with kids, and they are the ones that lose when I don't feel like doing all the fun stuff that makes the day interesting for them.

I really don't know how to combat this. I feel like I'm watching myself being glum and sour, and telling myself to snap out of it, but without the desire to really do anything more. I feel like I'm letting my life slip through my fingers in large chunks. What a waste.


Rebecca said...

I'm so sorry to hear you're battling this again. My daughter and I have both been feeling exactly the same way recently. It's really difficult to pull out of it, isn't it? If you need a friend, you know where I am :-) Love you!

Christy said...

My first winter up here in the hills introduced me to my first true battle with depression. As the year progress it morphed into anxiety...more active, which is more my style:)
I have an amazing husband, a new -thought therapist who has given me questions, books and tools to guide me back into a state of capability. "The Mood Cure" is a book she gave me that allowed me to use supplement amino acids to help balance my body's depleted seratonin reserves. For people with true brain chemical deficits this does not always remedy the situation, but for me it did. My depression was seasonal and stress induced. That and the coping skills she taught me to handle the fears and anxiety have give me such power over my life and thoughts.

Reina said...

LMAO! Yes it does! A therapist is probably my next move. I probably should really see someone... just not motivated enough to figure out how to pay for it!