Thursday, February 5, 2009

Facial Expressions

I've been paying attention to myself a lot lately.  Not in a "taking care of me" way, but rather in a noticing things about me way.

What I've noticed the most, is my lack of facial expression most of the time.  Maybe it's not really a lack, but more like a scowl.  I bunch up the muscles at the bridge of my nose like I'm worried about something, and the rest of my face is slack.  Even when I try to "lighten" my expression, all I can manage is a softening around the eyes that doesn't really reach any other part of my face.

What I notice even more is that I have this scowl right up until I start talking with someone about something that is interesting to me.  Then, I can feel my face soften, my eyes light, and my smile come more easily.  I FEEL the difference in my face, and in my body.  It's almost like my whole body is lighter.  I know there are studies that argue that smiles produce serotonin, which is a happy hormone, or some such.  

What I want to know is, is this something that happens with age, or am I really just cranky all the time?  I don't feel cranky, yet when I'm at home or working I sound cranky.  Is it my face affecting my attitude, or my attitude affecting my face?  How do I lighten up?  I'm way too serious for my own good!


Cap'n Happy said...

I'm perplexed about what it is you are trying to describe. I've never heard of anything remotely like it. Hopefully you aren't unintentionally scaring people.

Reina said...

LOL. Ok. I don't think I look scary... just pissed all the time!