Friday, February 13, 2009

The Weather...

This is about nothing, really...  talking about the weather, so to speak.

Although we are experiencing some much needed crappy weather!  It feels like it's been raining for weeks, even though I'm quite sure that's not true.  We do need the water.  I read in the local paper that our lake/reservoir is so low that the city was planning on imposing further water rationing soon.  So, it is good to have the rain.  

Besides, there are moments when I love being socked in the house on a rainy day with the fireplace going.  Granted the moments flee faster than the actual rain.  Actually, the moment lasts up until I have to actually go out into the rain.

However, rain here means snow in the mountains, and the snow level got quite low last night.  Low enough that there was apparently a dusting in the neighboring town.  This also meant that both of my assistants were snowed in and couldn't make it to work.  They are both living farther up the mountain that I would care to drive for a commute.  This made for a hectic day!

I've spent the time since signing on to Facebook checking out the pages of old classmates, remembering, catching up.  It's been fun reading the blogs of those that have them.  Using it as an excuse NOT to do the homework I should be doing.

I have so many small projects going on right now I feel like I'm forever three steps behind.  I need to focus and complete one thing so I can feel like I'm accomplishing something!  I miss writing, even though I have nothing to write about.  We'll see how it goes this weekend.

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