Monday, March 2, 2009

Killin' Time

I'm busy.  

Aren't we all?  

I have several unfinished projects on the back burner.  And my day job, of course.  And school.  

But lately, for the last two weeks or so, I feel like I've just been killing time.  I'm not sure why, exactly.  I've been ignoring my school work, and not even thinking about the unfinished projects.  I've barely been getting from one day to the next.

I have been fulfilling my duties for work.  I've also been consistently working on my obsession to finding the secret to lowering my grocery budget, as well as figuring the best budgeting technique for our needs. 

I know part of the problem is that I've been indulging my love of reading.  I love to read fiction.  I have a strict policy of not reading for fun while school is in session, because I can easily get lost in a book and neglect everything else.  However, I have a box full of books I haven't read sitting outside my bedroom door taunting me every time I go in and out.  So, yeah.  I read a couple of them this week.

I've also been watching TV again.  I don't know of a bigger time drain than television.  I generally don't spend much time on that.  The few shows I am interested in get recorded, so I can watch without commercials.  However, watching television is exactly what I want to do when I don't want to think, and I've noticed that I've been doing that a lot these last couple of weeks.

I don't know what the problem is.  I can't explain the sudden lack of focus.  I just know I've been killing time.

Funny.  I didn't think I had any time to kill...

1 comment:

Christy said...

It's the weather, the winter Blahs. I've got them too! They suck the life out of you so all you can manage to do is the bare least you're still blogging. I can't even bring myself to do that.
Oh and I'll be stopping by soon to give you some more time suck books :)