My son and I took turns doing the yoga poses. We've been doing rudimentary yoga poses for a few years off and on, since I have a Yoga for Kids DVD, and the kids just love the funky shapes they can contort their bodies into.
Wii Fit has several ratings it chooses for you based on how well you do the pose, and how still you can remain while balancing on one leg, etc. The ratings are Yoga Newcomer, Yoga Novice, Yoga Trainer, and Yoga Master. They have a few poses to choose from at the beginning, and add more as you improve your form and balance.
My son doesn't have great balance yet, so he'd consistently get Newcomer or Novice ratings. Since I've taken yoga classes in the past, the trick for me was to remain as still as possible while balancing, and I would consistently achieve Trainer status.
Meanwhile, my husband was watching us do this from bed, and decided he wanted to give it a try. He got up and went through each of the poses available and reached Yoga Master on every one!!
I have to explain why this is so astounding. My husband is clearly the stiffest person I've ever met. I think he might possibly have the worst posture of anyone I know as well. He is definitely not in good physical shape, and exercises even less frequently than I do.
Flexibility and posture are the cornerstones of yoga! How could he be so adept at balance when he can't even stand up straight? He slouches so much his spine looks permanently bent. There has to be an error in the programming of this console!
I just have good balance!
I am astounded as well!!!! But, now maybe he will do it more often, if it comes easily? We would all benefit!!!
Too funny, but so typical Michael. All the Wii Fit seems to care about is balance, very annoying to me since mine sucks.
I have Wii Fit and it evaluated me as a 54 yr old woman! And I have been spinning religiously for 4 months!
The balance is all about the core (which I am still trying to find in my body) - I guess Michael has a 6 pack going on!
Well, I'm not sure about the 6 pack, but definitely rock solid balance!
I think Mike and David are just really good at video games. Whatever type of video game it is!
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