Saturday, January 24, 2009

We Make Change...

I called Washington D.C. again yesterday.  I wanted to make sure my senators know that I'm not impressed with the president's choice for Treasury Secretary.  I'm sure the man is extremely qualified, and has a lot of good experience, but if he can't figure out his own taxes, how is he at all qualified to enforce the tax law onto the rest of us.

I can't believe how politically active I've become.  I would never have imagined this even three months ago.  I was of the mindset, as probably many of you are, that there isn't much we as citizens can do to direct the train wreck that is our government.  I do vote.  But there is not much power in that, since the political machine allows me only to choose between two less-than-ideal people.  As I got more involved in the voting process during this election, the hoops that a candidate has to jump through to make it past the gauntlet of the party leaders, the media, and the special interest groups appalled me.  A candidate can no longer run for office based on an ability to make a good leader, but is more likely to be chosen by powerful people for his ability to keep the status quo.  Is this much of a choice when it comes to checking the box on the ballot?

There is something we can do, however.  We can let these people we elected know what we think.  I wouldn't have thought that to be true three months ago, but I'm determined to make a difference.  And maybe, if enough of us are determined, and make a phone call, and tell a friend or relative to make a phone call, these calls will add up, and the people that think they now have the keys to our country will learn that they don't own the road.  We do.  I can't make a difference by myself, but hopefully I can convince you to join me.  And given the right tools, and the right motivation, we can get our representatives, who are in office to represent OUR wishes, listen to what those wishes are.

I'm not saying we have to agree on the issues in order to make a difference.  More importantly, we need to get into the habit of paying attention, and making an effort.  As long as we ignore what our government is doing, or are resigned to thinking we have no control, the more license we give them to continue taking over a little bit more of our lives each year.

It doesn't take much.  A few minutes on the phone, or a few minutes to send an e-mail.  That's all I'm asking.  If you don't know who to call or write to, ask me.  I'll look it up for you.  If you hear about something going on in our government that doesn't sit right with you, send me an e-mail (  I'll post it here, and hopefully we can start a discussion.

Well over half of the country voted for change in this last election.  It isn't up to the president to decide what that change should be.  It is up to us.  WE create change.  Maybe not quickly, but all of the really important changes that have made this country what it is, abolishing slavery, civil rights, woman's right to vote, these have all happened because PEOPLE decided that they didn't like the way things were going, and they wanted to make a change.

Start small.  Maybe a single phone call about a single issue that you feel strongly about.  That's all.  Feel empowered.  It could be that that one step can start you on a path towards something you never thought possible, and we can see a REAL change happen in our country, in our lifetimes.

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