Friday, January 30, 2009

CPSIA Update...

I just received an e-mail (thanks Debra!) with an update on this legislation.  The Consumer Product Safety board voted unanimously to put a stay on this ridiculous piece of legislation for one year!  

THANK YOU to all of you who called your representative or mine.  I'm not convinced we made a huge difference, considering that this came from the enforcement agency rather than through the legislative body that originated the law, however, I still think that a getting in the habit of making your voice be heard is a small step in the right direction for our country.  Maybe, just maybe, it was America's response to this bill that made the difference.

So, thank you.  And thank you for passing on this post to the people that you knew.  I know I was not the only one writing about this law, and trying to get the word out, but it often takes hearing something two or three times before we're convinced of the necessity to move on it.

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