Monday, January 26, 2009


I started my second semester of my master's program tonight.  Our winter break was six weeks long, which is about two weeks longer than the community college winter break.  At four weeks, I was ready to go back to school.  By the sixth week, I was dreading it.  That extra two weeks gave me just enough time to relax, enjoy my free weeknights, and wonder why I was making life so difficult for myself!

All weekend I was thinking about starting school again, worrying about paying for it, and wondering what I'm getting out of it; trying to find the value in continuing my seemingly endless education.

Then I walked into class, and I couldn't stop the stupid grin that fighting its way through my headache.  I LOVE SCHOOL!  I don't know why.  I can't imagine a more draining, time-consuming, and generally unproductive use of my time, considering I have a full-time job, and always have had a full-time job, even when getting my bachelor's degree.  However, I can't seem to keep myself away from the classroom.

And it's not like I'm taking classes that I think are fun, or interesting, or exciting!  I'm taking courses that I think are necessary to improve my job skills, to better my chances at getting a job, or to enhance my resume.  All rather boring, technical, or useful subjects.  However, I can't help but enjoy it.  Even when I dread the papers, the hours, or especially the group projects, I love going to school.

Isn't that weird?

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