Monday, December 1, 2008

How do we make a difference?

I've never been political.  I've only ever shown an interest in politics when it has come to my doorstep, usually every four years.  I have never really even made much of an effort to participate in the smaller elections that come along in between.  But now, it seems like every decision made on capital hill is intruding on my doorstep, and I have to voice an opinion.

About 6 months before the presidential election I started to focus on gathering as much information about the candidates as possible.  I wanted unbiased information so I could come to my own conclusions.  I listened to radio, read blogs, watched the debates, and studied the issues.  I felt really informed, although far short of what could have been possible if I had more time to devote and possibly more people to discuss issues with.

Because of that effort, though, I've "discovered" a lot of things going on in Washington that I would otherwise have ignored.  I feel frustrated at the complete lack of interest on the part of the American Public about what is happening with our government, and with our money, that will ultimately affect us, and in fact already has.  I feel more frustrated probably because I was one of that number not too long ago.

I've come to realize I lead a very isolated life.  I miss intelligent discussion with other educated adults that force me to examine issues and evaluate my position.  That's why I'm coming to you.  I want to generate discussion.  I want to become active in the shaping of my and my child's future.

My husband sent me a link today to an article about the big 3 automakers asking for handouts from the government again (, and it gets me worked up.  Why does the government meddle in things the market should control?  What can "we the people" do about it?  How do we start speaking out in such a way that the government has to listen?

There are other issues that I would like to discuss here, but that is for another time.  I just started this today, so I know I don't even have an audience, but one day I'll figure out this web stuff and join my voice to the thousands of bloggers.  Maybe we can make a difference.

1 comment:

David Hosier said...

I also was outraged by the automaker bailout. Well, I'm actually outraged by all the bailouts, and the buying of bad mortgages by the government, etc,etc,etc. The automaker thing really caused a visceral reaction for me though. I share your outrage of what is happening with our government. If you want to read a bunch of stuff that will outrage you, you should check this page every day: This is a great site with lots of government accountability type articles with lots of educated insight.